The Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program

Category : Educational Articles | Author: Sunday Ntente Published on 2024-03-05 19:04:14

The Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program

The Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJ/WBGSP) is a prestigious scholarship program that offers opportunities for mid-career professionals from developing countries to pursue graduate studies in development-related fields at selected universities around the world.

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The JJ/WBGSP aims to contribute to the World Bank Group`s mission of poverty reduction and sustainable development by providing opportunities for talented individuals from developing countries to enhance their skills and knowledge in areas relevant to development.


The scholarship covers the cost of tuition, a monthly stipend to cover living expenses, round-trip airfare, health insurance, and travel allowance for participation in a field research program. The exact benefits provided may vary depending on the host university and the specific terms of the scholarship.

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Eligibility criteria for the JJ/WBGSP typically include citizenship of a World Bank member developing country, a commitment to returning to the applicant`s home country upon completion of the program, and a minimum of three years of relevant professional experience. Applicants must also have been admitted to or be currently enrolled in a master`s degree program in a development-related field at one of the program`s partner universities.

Fields of Study:

The JJ/WBGSP supports graduate studies in a wide range of development-related fields, including but not limited to economics, public policy, international development, environmental management, public health, education, engineering, and agriculture.

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Application Process:

Interested candidates apply directly to the participating university or universities offering programs aligned with the JJ/WBGSP`s objectives. The application process typically involves submitting academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, a personal statement, and proof of admission to the master`s degree program.

Selection Process:

 Applications are reviewed and evaluated by a selection committee consisting of representatives from the World Bank and the participating universities. Selection criteria may include academic excellence, professional experience, leadership potential, and the relevance of the applicant`s chosen field of study to development objectives.

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The duration of the scholarship varies depending on the length of the master`s degree program, typically ranging from one to two years for full-time study.

Post-Scholarship Commitment:

Upon completion of their studies, JJ/WBGSP scholars are expected to return to their home countries to apply their newly acquired skills and knowledge to contribute to development efforts. Some scholars may also have opportunities for internships or employment with the World Bank Group or other development organizations.

Overall, the Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program provides a valuable opportunity for mid-career professionals from developing countries to pursue advanced studies in development-related fields and make meaningful contributions to their home countries` development efforts.

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Application Link:

The official website for the Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program is hosted by the World Bank Group. You can find information about the program and access the application portal on their website. Here`s how to navigate to it:

Visit the official website of the World Bank Group: World Bank Group.

On the homepage, navigate to the "About" section or use the search bar to search for "Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program."

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