GIBAH Research

Research Training

Research is one of our core functions and the bedrock for our existence as an organization. It helps us succeed in business. It allows us to support truths, find, gauge, and seize opportunities. It promotes a love of and confidence in reading, writing, analyzing, and sharing valuable information, which is key to surviving in a global and competitive marketplace. At our institute, we offer a variety of services that help individuals and corporate organizations achieve excellence, create new ways of doing things, innovate and grow, both in the short and long term.

The goal of our research training programs is to offer you the opportunity to learn the art and science of researching. These programs are tailored to address your specific research needs, broaden your understanding of research methodology and equip you with the power to take your world by storm. Our programs cover several areas of research including but not limited to the following: Research design ideation and inclination, Research topic formulation, Research background development, Framing of problem statement, Development of research questions and hypothesis, Conducting/writing a literature review, Choosing a research method, Choosing/development of a research tool, Sampling methods, Data analysis, Ethical issues in research, Result presentation and interpretation, Discussing the findings, Summarizing, concluding and recommending.

Research and Writing Consultancy

At GIBAH, we understand the complex human circumstances and scenarios, hence we have made provision for you to be able to conduct and manage your research with guidance from us. We are proud to support researchers across the globe on any topic in which we have the right competent professionals to provide the need consultations. Presently, we are able to support research in the following areas: Agriculture, Accounting and finance, Biotechnology and Biomedical sciences, Business management, Education and education technology, Engineering project management, Environmental science, Information and communication technology, Human resource management, Project management, Public health, nursing and social care, Public relations, Occupational health.

Grant Application Assistantship

We are also well positioned in the area of grant application. We can help you search and apply for grants from several grant organizations around the world. Unlike scholarships and fellowships awarded only to individuals according to their academic merit or financial need, the grants may be awarded to individuals and organizations. There are different types of grants, each with its unique set of guidelines, deadlines, and eligibility criteria.Also, grants are divided into different types according to their funding purpose: grants may be allocated for research purposes, fostering business activities, conducting human rights advocacy, preserving libraries, grants for ecological activities, grants for NGOs and foundations, etc.

  • The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) for the Advancement of Science in Developing Countries Research Grants for Individuals and Teams
  • Alfred Sloan Foundation Grants for Individuals and Teams for Research and Education in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Economics
  • International Grants from Ford Foundation
  • The Getty Foundation International Grants for Individuals and Institutions
  • Rockefeller Brothers Fund Grants
  • Andrew Mellon Foundation Grants for Institutions and Individuals
  • National Endowment for Democracy NED $50,000 International Grants
  • European Endowment for Democracy €50,000 International Grants
  • United Nations Democracy Fund Grants
  • National Endowment for the Arts Grants for Individuals and Organizations
  • Maine Arts Commission Individual Grants for US Applicants
  • Lilly Endowment Grants for US Applicants
  • Robert Bosch Foundation International Grants
  • Volkswagen Foundation International Grants
  • Else Kröner-Fresenius Foundation Scientific and Humanitarian Grants
  • Li Ka Shing Foundation Grants

Research Promotion and Sponsorship

In recognition of the contributions of research to the growth and development of the economy, the company engages in annual research promotion and sponsorship programme that brings researchers across Africa to the forefront, making their work more visible and beneficial to the public, who otherwise have not seen or benefited from such outputs. This became necessary as we have discovered that most of the research outputs in Africa are published in academic journals and go unnoticed by the professional communities and the public, hence the solutions they proffer and the ideas are never taken advantage of. This is massively part of why Africa is lagging behind in technological and other meaningful development, compared to other continents of the world.

Research promotion and sponsorship are essential for securing funding and resources to support research projects. Here are some steps that you can follow to promote research and attract sponsorship:

Research for Innovation

If you have a company or business that is struggling with revenue generation, employee management and retention, losing client and community engagement and you are looking for innovative ways to solve these problems and get the best and most desired solutions, then look no further.

We can help you generate new ideas, find solutions to existing problems, and create new products or services. We can achieve this for your business in our six-steps process:

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